The Biology Club at William & Mary.
Material in the Special Collections Research Center
The Flat Hat, William & Mary News, and Alumni Gazette:
- Members visit Dismal Swamp FH, 5/19/1922, pg. 2.
- Meeting FH, 10/20/1922, pg. 2; 3/3/1922, pg. 1; 11/171922, pg. 2.
- Votes on consolidation of scientific clubs FH, 2/1/1924, pg. 7.
- Lecture on birds to be held FH, 3/14/1924, pg. 3.
- Dr. D. W. Davis will speak on his Balsam garden FH, 11/6/1925, pg. 8.
- Holds first meeting FH, 10/8/1926, pg. 7.
- Gives program on Dismal Swamp FH, 10/22/1926, pg. 8.
- Main discussion of parasites FH, 11/5/1926, pg. 7.
- Talks about John Clayton, one of club's namesakes FH, 11/24/1926, pg. 8.
- Discusses anatomy FH, 1/7/1927, pg. 3.
- Elects officers FH, 2/4/1927, pg. 5.
- Dr. R. C. Young discusses the points of contact between physics and biology FH, 2/18/1927, pg. 8.
- Discusses anthropology FH, 3/18/1927, pg. 8.
- Otto Weiss speaks on trees and shrubs of Virginia FH, 4/1/1927, pg. 6.
- Holds first meeting FH, 9/30/1927, pg. 2.
- Subject of meeting to be "Animals Looking into the Future" FH, 11/4/1927, pg. 1.
- To elect officers FH, 2/3/1928, pg. 3.
- Elects officers FH, 2/17/1928, pg. 9.
- Plans trip to Dismal Swamp FH, 2/24/1928, pg. 8; FH, 4/13/1928, pg. 7.
- Returns from trip FH, 4/20/1928, pg. 2.
- Elects officers FH, 5/18/1928, pg. 7.
- Elects officers FH, 10/5/1928, pg. 5.
- Evolution topic of discussion hour FH, 11/9/1928, pg. 9.
- Meets Tuesday; bids to be sent out FH, 11/16/1928, pg. 5.
- Announces new members FH, 11/28/1928, pg. 6.
- Prepares for initiation FH, 2/15/1929, pg. 1.
- Initiation held FH, 3/8/1929, pg. 2.
- Plans trip to Dismal Swamp FH, 4/12/1929, pg. 10.
- Dismal Swamp trip review FH, 4/26/1929, pg. 3.
- Bids upperclassmen FH, 11/1/1929, pg. 2.
- Work reviewed, new plans made FH, 1/16/1930, pg. 10.
- Three papers presented FH, 3/7/1930, pg. 12.
- Made annual trip to Dismal Swamp FH, 5/9/1930, pg. 3.
- Holds first meeting of the year FH, 9/26/1930, pg. 8.
- Marjorie Moon elected president FH, 1/16/1931, pg. 2.
- Holds regular meeting FH, 2/20/1931, pg. 10.
- Elects Dr. Warren as faculty advisor FH, 3/6/1931, pg. 3.
- Plans annual trip to swamp FH, 4/17/1931, pg. 9.
- Elects officers for coming year FH, 5/8/1931, pg. 4.
- Arranges a forum on "What is biology" FH, 11/3/1931, pg. 2.
- Elects president FH, 11/24/1931, pg. 6.
- Elects officers FH, 2/16/1932, pg. 6.
- Dr. G. H. Neidham of Cornell spoke at meeting FH, 3/8/1932, pg. 5.
- Propagation of fish is topic of talk FH, 3/22/1932, pg. 2.
- Elects officers FH, 5/3/1932, pg. 6.
- Outlines progress of past year FH, 5/12/1932, pg. 5.
- Brief talks given at meeting FH, 10/25/1932, pg. 6.
- Holds meeting FH, 11/29/1932, pg. 2.
- Elects officers FH, 2/14/1933, pg. 6.
- Hears talk on birds FH, 3/21/1933, pg. 5.
- Miss Cooper speaks on birds FH, 3/28/1933, pg. 2.
- Hears Dr. Cannon speak FH, 3/28/1933, pg. 2.
- Elects officers FH, 5/16/1933, pg. 6.
- Holds meeting FH, 10/3/1933, pg. 8.
- Hears report on World's Fair FH, 10/10/1933, pg. 2.
- Holds meeting FH, 11/7/1933, pg. 6.
- To hear Dr. David Macht speak FH, 11/14/1933, pg. 1.
- Elects officers FH, 2/20/1934, pg. 1.
- Plans trip to Dismal Swamp FH, 4/10/1934, pg. 1.
- Plans excursion in swamp FH, 4/24/1934, pg. 1.
- Club utilizes Dismal Swamp as scene of outing FH, 5/1/1934, pg. 2.
- Holds meeting FH, 10/9/1934, pg. 1.
- Hears talk on radium poisoning at meeting FH, 11/13/1934, pg. 1.
- Sponsors membership drive FH, 2/12/1935, pg. 2.
- Elects officers FH, 2/19/1935, pg. 2.
- Julian Huxley to give lecture FH, 2/26/1935, pg. 3.
- Acquaints members with scientist Julian Huxley FH, 3/5/1935, pg. 1.
- Subject of Julian Juxley's talk to be "Science and the World Crisis" FH, 3/5/1935, pg. 1, 2.
- Julian Huxley compares today's science with yesterday's talk FH, 3/12/1935, pg. 1.
- Plans Dismal Swamp trip FH, 4/2/1935, pg. 2.
- Sponsors talk by Dr. James D. Needham on poetry and naturalists FH, 2/11/1936, pg. 1.
- R. A. Smallwood quotes old diaries in lecture to Biological Club FH, 3/17/1936, pg. 1.
- Clayton-Grimes Club to go on field trip FH, 5/4/1937, pg. 1.
- Club schedules meetings FH, 10/19/1937, pg. 5.
- Takes annual field trip FH, 3/28/1939, pg. 2.
- Holds open house FH, 3/28/1939, pg. 6.
- Hows and whys of Clayton-Grimes FH, 2/20/1940, pg. 2.
- Evolution is theme of open house FH, 4/16/1940, pg. 1, 5.
- Arthur Keeney is new president of Clayton-Grimes FH, 5/7/1940, pg. 1.
- Clayton-Grimes Club for biology students FH, 10/1/1940, pg. 2 (picture).
- Club sets swamp field trip FH, 10/29/1940, pg. 1, 2.
- To hear marine life lecture by Bickett Shephard FH, 11/26/1940, pg. 1, 2.
- Has open house and field trip FH, 4/22/1941, pg. 2.
- Plans trip to lower Chesapeake FH, 4/22/1941, pg. 2.
- Otis Barton speaks at Biological Club FH, 12/9/1941, pg. 8.
- Lt. Otis Barten speaks on undersea exploration FH, 12/16/1941, pg. 2.
- Biology open house features blood tests, other exhibits FH, 4/29/1942, pg. 7.
- Open house has cats, fish FH, 5/11/1943, pg. 7.
- Charles H. Tozier gives talk on Guatemala FH, 2/23/1944, pg. 1.
- Entomologist to lecture FH, 11/1/1944, pg. 6.
- C.L. Newcombe speaks at meeting FH, 12/6/1944, pg. 4.
- Elects new officers FH, 2/21/1945, pg. 6.
- Plans talk and reviews FH, 2/28/1945, pg. 3.
- Clayton-Grimes Club founded to honor Virginia biologist FH, 3/21/1945, pg. 2.
- Sponsors annual open house FH, 4/4/1945, pg. 2.
- Sees movies on blood FH, 4/11/1945, pg. 3.
- Rhesus monkeys seek education in biology lab FH, 4/11/1945, pg. 3.
- Students hear talks on blood system FH, 4/18/1945, pg. 4.
- Students feature lab open house FH, 5/2/1945, pg. 2.
- Students hold open house FH, 5/9/1945, pg. 9.
- Clayton-Grimes Club plans Jamestown Park Field Trip FH, 10/17/1945, pg. 2.
- Biological Club hears of history FH, 10/31/1945, pg. 6.
- Hears talk by J.A. Pearson FH, 11/21/1945, pg. 3.
- Andrews addresses Clayton-Grimes Club FH, 12/17/1946, pg. 10.
- Elects Callis president FH, 2/27/1946, pg. 8.
- Plans open house FH, 3/20/1946, pg. 4.
- Sponsors movies, exhibits FH, 3/18/1947, pg. 8.
- Open house offers tests, movies FH, 3/25/1947, pg. 9.
- Bernice Speese to speak to members FH, 4/1/1947, pg. 7.
- Takes trip to dismal swamp FH, 5/13/1947, pg. 7.
- To hold open house FH, 4/20/1948, pg. 9.
- Dean Jeffers speaks FH, 5/4/1948, pg. 9.
- J.T. Baldwin to speak FH, 10/5/1948, pg. 6.
- Plans meeting FH, 11/2/1948, pg. 3.
- To hear talk on medicine FH, 11/23/1948, pg. 9.
- Students address biologists' meeting FH, 11/30/1948, pg. 11.
- John Wood to speak FH, 3/22/1949, pg. 9.
- Plans annual open house FH, 4/19/1949, pg. 4.
- Plans Seashore park trip to hunt specimens FH, 5/3/1949, pg. 10.
- Sponsors Museum excursion FH, 10/25/1949, pg. 8.
- Sets picnic date FH, 11/22/1949, pg. 6.
- Invites student biologists to meeting FH, 2/21/1950, pg. 4.
- Meets to elect officers FH, 3/28/1950, pg. 10.
- Student biologists to present exhibit FH, 4/18/1950, pg. 9.
- Holds meeting to discuss plans FH, 10/3/1950, pg. 9.
- Club news FH, 11/20/1951, pg. 9.
- President resigns, officers listed FH, 11/4/1952, pg. 8.
- Combines with the Pre-med Club to enrich programs FH, 5/17/1955, pg. 9.
- Sponsors Audubon Society showings FH, 9/20/1955, pg. 16.
- New officers elected; D.E. Katner speaks FH, 10/18/1955, pg. 10.
- Presents film by Alan Cruickshank FH, 12/6/1955, pg. 4 (picture).
- Film and trip planned FH, 3/20/1956, pg. 4.
- Fran Hall narrates movie about Hawaii FH, 5/8/1956, pg. 11.
- Series of Audubon lectures begins FH, 11/6/1956, pg. 12 (picture).
- Burt Harwell addresses club on rare bird types FH, 12/4/1956, pg. 12.
- Sponsors wildlife speakers FH, 10/30/1956, pg. 11.
- Activities begin, FH, 9/24/1957, pg. 8.
- Audobon lecturer George Regensburg scheduled to appear FH, 10/29/1957, pg. 3.
- Presents Audobon series FH, 1/14/1958, pg. 7.
- Meets FH, 9/30/1958, pg. 10.
- Third lecture in Audobon series feature Cleaves' color film FH, 12/16/1958, pg. 3.
- Features 'Animals at Night in Color' FH, 1/13/1958, pg. 11 (picture).
- Cleveland Grants presents Audobon film FH, 3/3/1959, pg. 12 (picture).
- Visits local swamp area FH, 4/14/1959, pg. 12.
- Audubon series begins FH, 10/6/1959, pg. 5.
- Olin Pettengill describes Audubon series movie FH, 10/13/1959, pg. 6.
- Sponsors Audubon lecture series FH, 9/23/1960, pg. 10.
- Naturalist Fran William Hall lectures on "Land of the Sky Blue Waters" FH, 11/18/1960, pg. 5.
- Sponsors lecture by Gerald Soffen, chairman of the NASA Steering Group for the Viking *Project to Mars, on possibility of life on other planets FH, 11/12/1971, pg. 5; C, 11/4/1971, pg. 4.
- Co-sponsors program on lab science careers WMN, 12/3/1974, pg. 3.
- Audubon wildlife lecture includes film on Chiricahua mountains WMN, 11/23/1976, pg. 3.
- Biologists to hear Dr. Hoegerman. WMN, 3/17/1981, pg. 2.
- Members to hear food for thought WMN, 11/14/1984, pg. 3.
- Sponsoring a Valentine's Day Plant Sale FH, 2/7/1986, pg. 15.
- Sponsoring a lecture on AIDS FH, 4/4/1986, pg. 16.
- Programs provide interesting alternatives for meetings WMN, 10/12/1988, pg. 5 (picture).
- Aims to save birds FH, 12/9/1988, pg. 3.
- Richard Forward to speak at seminar WMN, 3/15/1989, pg. 4.
- Biology T-shirt contest FH, 10/22/1993, pg. 17.
- Biology T-shirt FH, 10/29/1993, pg. 17.