The College Airport was located 1 mile northwest of William & Mary at Ewell Station, part of the city airport near the present day Airport Road.
1931--hangar built and used for student instruction as part of the Department of Aeronautics
1934--student instruction ended at the airport
1944--56 acres taken by U.S. Government for construction of Waller Reservoir (Board of Visitors, Oct. 7, 1944, p. 383) (Scott Field)
1945--Board of Visitors, February 10, p. 401)

Constructed: 1931
Ceded by the College: 1944
Closed: 1967
Map it for me
1946--Combination office, waiting room, and work shop being erected at College Airport to be rented to Aviation Service, Inc., Aviation Services, Inc., moved last weekend to College Airport, approximately 1 mile beyond Scott Field, former headquarters. New airport has two runways, each 2800 feet long, 150 feet wide, set in an "x" pattern. Longer and smoother than runways at Scott Field. At present 3 hangars of the "T" type at College Airport, construction begun on administrative building and hangar for Aviation Services with hangar space almost as large as that at Scott Field (The Flat Hat, 10/15/1946, 1).
1954--hangar previously used as National Guard armory (FH, 10/26/1954, 1) (Board of Visitors, Feb. 11, 1956, p. 230--233)
1955--rented to Floyd G. Clark of Richmond for commercial airport (The Flat Hat, 1/11/1955, 2)
1967--College Airport closed; poor condition (The Flat Hat, 2/24/1967, 11)

1980--30 acres sold to City of Williamsburg (Board of Visitors October 17-18, p. 355)
1985--Airport property sold to City of Williamsburg for $1,267,000 (William & Mary News, 9/18/1985, 1
Material in the SCRC
- University Archives Artifact Collection
- Student Organizations Collection, Flying Club
- Flight School, University Archives Subject File, Special Collections Research Center, Earl Gregg Swem Library, William & Mary
- The Flat Hat
- Office of the President
- B. Traver Hulse Scrapbook
- University Archives Faculty-Alumni File Collection, W.L. McCutchen.
- Search the W&M Digital Archive for additional material.
- SCRC Collections Database: search by names, organization, subject, event, etc.