Constructed: 1851
Destroyed: 1863
Map it for me
Note: Location on map is approximate.
The Steward's House was located on the southwest corner of the College Yard (the area surrounded by the Wren Building, the Brafferton, and the President's House) at William & Mary.
1851--Steward's House erected and paid out of Capital fund: $661.00 on October 27 and $1046.25 on October 28(Bursar's Book, 1850-1875, p. 14; College Papers, Folder 224).
1856--"Resolved that the Steward be allowed the use of the Steward's House free of rent and that he be required to furnish students with board and washing at the rate of $115.00 per session." (Faculty Meeting, June 17, 1856.)
1859--"Prof. Morrison applied to rent the house formerly occupied by the Steward, and the proposal was acceded to by the Faculty." (Faculty Meeting, July 12, 1859)
1860--"The former Steward's House has also been remodeled and repaired at a cost of about two hundred and fifty dollars, and furnishes now an additional residence for a Professor upon the Grounds." (Catalog, 1859-60, p. 17; Goodwin notes, p. 559)
1861 "The Steward's House has been filled with convalescent soldiers as boarders..." (Board of Visitors minutes, Oct. 8, 1861, p. 21)
c.1863--Frame house occupied by the late Professor R.J. Morrison was burned, valued at $2000. (only house mentioned other than outbuildings and President's House and Brafferton) (Board of Visitors, July 5, 1865, p. 189.)
NOTE: Two dwellings, apparently of lesser value, owned by the College also destroyed during the Civil War. Mentioned by President Benjamin S. Ewell in memorials to Congress. (College Papers, folder 19) but not in Board or Faculty Minutes. Could be brick kitchens of Brafferton and President's House. 2nd professor's house "partly pulled to pieces."