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4 Pages
  • Jamestown, Virginia

    For basic information about Jamestown, Virginia consult the guide for Genealogy Resources at Swem, which includes a section on early settlers at Jamestown. Land patents and grants from the Library of Virginia are available at 
  • Jefferson Laboratory

    The Jefferson Laboratory is located in Newport News, Virginia and is home to the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF), an underground high-tech machine nearly a mile around.
  • Wedgewood Dinner Theatre (Toano, Va.)

    The Wedgewood Playhouse was a dinner theatre located in Toano, Virginia where customers would be treated to a meal and a performance of a play. The theater was created in 1963 and continued to hold productions until 1973. The Wedgewood Playhouse was a 300 seat, pay for performance theater that was…
  • Williamsburg, Virginia

    Founded in 1699, Williamsburg, Virginia was the capital of Virginia from 1698 until 1780, when the capital moved to Richmond. The city is known as the home of William & Mary, Eastern State Hospital, and Colonial Williamsburg. In 1871, prompted by Virginia's new state constitution, Williamsburg…

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A note about the contents of this site

This website contains the best available information from known sources at the time it was written. Unfortunately, many of the early original records of William & Mary were destroyed by fires, military occupation, and the normal effects of time. The information in this website is not complete, and it changes as we continue to research and uncover new sources.