Constructed: 1962
Renovated: 1996
Named for: William Yates fifth President of the College
Map it for me
Yates Hall at William & Mary was built as the first of a series of men's dorms in 1962. It is located at 600 Ukrop Way near the intersection of Yates Drive and Ukrop Way and sits between the Randolph Residences and the Fraternity Complex. The building is named after the fifth president of the college, William Yates.
Built at a cost of $750,000, Yates represented 25% of freshmen housing at its completion. It housed 225 men in three distinct sections. Each floor contains a lounge and the first floor has a kitchen and entertainment room. In 1976, a fair housing provision of Title IX prompted the college to move freshmen women, who were housed in DuPont Hall, into Yates, while the freshmen men moved into DuPont. At the time, DuPont was in superior condition. In 1980, problems of equality were alleviated when both DuPont and Yates went co-ed.
In 1996, as part of the College's 10-year dormitory renewal project ($3.24 million in renovations), Yates received air-conditioning units.
Today (2010), small brick building remaining on the side of the Yates parking lot are left-overs from the CCC Camp on the site during the Great Depression.
Material in the Special Collections Research Center
- Yates Hall in the SCRC Collections Database.
- University Archives Photograph Collection: Folder Buildings & Grounds--Yates Hall; P1985.53, 1989.157-158, P1998.114, P1998.116, P1998.119, P1998.121.