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Student Organizations

41 Pages
  • 7 Society

    The 7 Society is a student secret society at William & Mary.
  • Agape Christian Fellowship

    Agape Christian Fellowship is a religious organization on the campus of William & Mary which aim to "Provide Christian fellowship for Asian/International students through Bible study, prayer and worship" . It has existed at least since 2001 and is currently active. It is a member of the…
  • Alpha Mu Tau

    The group Alpha Mu Tau is referenced in the scrapbook of __ Lee (WHRA). The scrapbooks indicates that the student organization for women students at the College of William & Mary circa 1918-1920 was later known as The Royal Order of Blood. Members were given nicknames including Blue Blood,…
  • Anglo-Saxon Club

    The Anglo-Saxon Club was a student organization at William & Mary in the 1920s. According to an article in the Flat Hat, a Post of the Anglo-Saxon Club of America was organized at William & Mary in 1923 "under the guidance of John Powell, the noted pianist."(Flat Hat, 5/18/1923, p. 2)…
  • Balloon Club

    In 1786, a Balloon Club was formed by students of the College of William & Mary, which is believed to be the first balloon club at any institution of higher learning. The balloon was invented in 1773. The first successful balloon ascension in Virginia was accomplished in May 1801 by Joseph…
  • Baptist Student Union

    Materials in the Special Collections Research Center Guide for conducting research related to the College of William & Mary The Flat Hat, William & Mary News, and Alumni Gazette:
  • Beta Alpha Psi. Kappa Chapter.

    The Kappa Chapter of Beta Alpha Psi is the professional accounting fraternity for students at William & Mary. Material in the Special Collections Research Center Guide for conducting research related to the College of William & Mary The Flat Hat, William & Mary News, and Alumni…
  • Beta Lambda Chapter

    The William & Mary chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta, Beta Gamma, was installed on April 28, 1922 and was the second greek organization for women students to be recognized at William & Mary.
  • Biology Club

    The Biology Club at William & Mary. Material in the Special Collections Research Center Guide for conducting research related to the College of William & Mary The Flat Hat, William & Mary News, and Alumni Gazette:
  • Bishop James Madison Society

    The Bishop James Madison Society is a student secret society at William & Mary. The society was established in 1812 as a tribute to the late William & Mary President Bishop James Madison.
  • Debate

    Debate has a long history at William & Mary, with many student organizations participating in debates within the school as well as attending intercollegiate competitions.
  • Esperanto Club

    The Esperanto Club of William & Mary was founded in 2008 by Nicholas Woods "To promote the knowledge of the language Esperanto and to create opportunities to learn, speak, and appreciate the language" 1. The club was briefly affiliated with Hello WM (a no longer active student-led language…
  • Filipino American Student Association

    The Filipino American Student Association is a student organization at William & Mary.  History Contents
  • Gentlemen of the College

    The Gentlemen of the College, a men's a cappella group at William & Mary, was organized in January 1990 and formally recognized by the Office of Student Activities in November 1990. Founding members identified in a photograph taken in Fall 1990 include Doug Stambler, class of 1992, and Michael…
  • Japanese Cultural Association

    The Japanese Cultural Association was organized as a student organization at William & Mary in 1996 with the first constitution written on February 27, 1997. The Japanese Cultural Association encourages the promotion, awareness and understanding of the Japanese culture and society at the…
  • Kappa Sigma

    Kappa Sigma was founded at the University of Virginia in 1869. William & Mary president Lyon Gardiner Tyler became a member of Kappa Sigma while at the University of Virginia. Kappa Sigma was established at the College of William & Mary in 1890 just two years after the institution had…
  • Korean American Student Association

    In 1984, the Korean American Student Association (KASA) was founded at William & Mary. It was the first Asian-American group to organize themselves. At that time, there were only 74 Asian-American students enrolled at the College. Despite their early establishment, KASA was not acknowledged in…
  • Latin American Student Union

    The Latin American Student Union (LASU) is a student group at William & Mary founded in 2009. The initiative for LASU was led by the latino members of the W&M class of 2012 mainly Jessica Chilin-Hernandez, Daisy Diaz, and Dimelza Gonzales-Flores. The group was started as a reaction to what…
  • Mortar Board

    The first women admitted to the College of William & Mary in 1918 were not permitted to join the literary societies, so they formed the Alpha Club which later became Mortar Board. All women students belonged to the Alpha Club. It served as a literary, music, and dramatic society for the women…
  • Phi Beta Kappa

    Phi Beta Kappa was founded by five students at William & Mary in 1776 at the Raleigh Tavern in Williamsburg and is the oldest honor society in the United States. The current Phi Beta Kappa Hall and the first Phi Beta Kappa Hall at William & Mary (present-day Ewell Hall were named to mark…
  • Phi Kappa Phi

    The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi is the nation's oldest, largest, and most selective all-discipline honor society. Phi Kappa Phi inducts annually approximately 30,000 students, faculty, professional staff, and alumni. Since its founding in 1897, more than 1 million members have been initiated.…
  • Phi Sigma Pi

    Phi Sigma Pi is a student honor fraternity at William & Mary.
  • Philomathean Literary Society

    Among the oldest records of student organizations are those from the various literary societies, of which William & Mary had several. These societies, which were popular all over the country in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, sought to train their members in public speaking by…
  • Phoenix Literary Society

    Among the oldest records of student organizations are those from the various literary societies, of which William & Mary had several. These societies, which were popular all over the country in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, sought to train their members in public speaking by…
  • Rough Ashler Club

    The Rough Ashler Club was a student organization at William & Mary in the 1920s. The organization was made up of both faculty and staff who were Freemasons. Some of the first members of the Rough Ashler Club included J.A.C. Chandler, president of William & Mary, and Kremer J.

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A note about the contents of this site

This website contains the best available information from known sources at the time it was written. Unfortunately, many of the early original records of William & Mary were destroyed by fires, military occupation, and the normal effects of time. The information in this website is not complete, and it changes as we continue to research and uncover new sources.